Message from our CEO
The Statewide Tax Recovery team continues to monitor the impact Coronavirus is having on our families, our customers and the economy at large. During these uncertain times, we would like you to know our team is here for you. We continue to delicately balance serving our customers, managing our business, and taking responsible actions to protect our employees against the spread of the virus.
We are closely monitoring the updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and other global health entities. Like other businesses, we are assessing all options and developing contingency plans to best manage the current situation while continuing to serve you. We remained fully staffed during this time and have established remote working operations for our employees to minimize the impact on our business.
While many of our employees will transition to a remote work arrangement, we will continue to have our office staffed with essential personnel to handle incoming mail and to process walk-in payments, if necessary. At this time, we would like to encourage all of our customers to utilize our online payment portal to make their payments online or to contact our office to pay by phone. We would like to minimize our employees exposure to walk-ins and handling incoming mail, if possible.
Please contact us at if you would like to engage with our team. As our response and preparedness efforts continue, we will keep both our customers and our employees at the center of all of our decisions and actions. Please visit this page for further updates.
Thank you for your trust and continued partnership as we navigate through these challenging times.
Best regards,
Matthew Sinosky, CEO
Statewide Tax Recovery