Statewide Tax Recovery, LLC provides delinquent tax collection services for the counties, municipalities and school districts of Pennsylvania.
The money collected from taxes goes to many places. In addition to paying the salaries of government workers, tax dollars also:
Support common resources, such as police, EMTs and firefighters
Fund programs that help the less fortunate
Ensure the roads you travel on are safe and well-maintained
Shikellamy School District
“Without hesitation, we believe that Statewide Recovery Services is first rate in providing collection services for the School District, and does so in an efficient and professional manner. You have provided a reliable and steady revenue stream for many, many years.”
— Mr. Sinopoli, Business Manager
Statewide Tax Recovery, LLC provides collection services for the following taxes:
• Per Capita
• Occupational Assessment
• Occupational Privilege
• Mercantile (Sales Tax)
• Earned Income
• Local Services
More Information
No fees charged to our clients: Fees are passed on to the debtor, clients receive the full tax amount recovered.
Delinquent accounts can be submitted electronically or via hard copy.
Client funds are maintained in an escrow account, separate from our business accounts to ensure the security of your funds.
Collections are distributed to our clients monthly along with concise, easy to read reports.